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PreciseFP offers a unique pipeline for both client account types and prospect account types. The purpose of the pipeline is to allow you to move your clients and prospects through a customizable workflow automatically. Your account comes loaded with two default pipelines, one for prospects and one for clients. These pipelines were built to mimic the standard workflow followed by the majority of financial advisors.

Prospect pipeline

The default prospect pipeline consists of three stages: Onboard, Acquire, and Re-engage. When a prospect is created in the system, they are automatically placed in the onboard stage. To move the prospect forward, you should engage them with an onboarding questionnaire that will gather enough information for you to qualify the prospect. Once the prospect is moved to the Acquire stage, you should schedule a meeting and upon agreeing on the services to provide, the service agreement template should be sent out and completed by the prospect. Once this is done, the prospect is converted to a client and automatically placed in the first stage of the client pipeline. At any point, if the prospect is left in a stage for 30 days or more, they are automatically moved to the re-engage stage. Prospects in this stage should be re-engaged by you to confirm that they are still interested in your services.

Client pipeline

The client pipeline consists of six stages: Onboard, Discover, Plan, Invest, Re-engage, and Survey.

When a new client enters the system, they are placed in the onboard stage. To move the client forward you should first find their risk tolerance by having them complete the Risk Tolerance questionnaire. Once the client enters the Discover stage, they are ready to complete your Financial Fact Finder. Clients in the Plan stage will be moved forward once you export their profile information to your financial software of choice and prepare their financial plan. The invest stage will be completed once your client signs and completes their investment policy statement. The re-engage stage is where you should have your clients complete a custom engagement based on their personal situation. PreciseFP offers several templates to use in this case that cover a wide range of topics such as, college planning, tax planning, retirement, etc. Finally the survey stage expects your client to complete the satisfaction survey.

At any point, if a client is at a stage for more than 90 days, they will be automatically moved along to the next stage of the pipeline with the exception of the discover stage where the client will remain until action is taken (either the “Fact Finder” engagement is completed, or the client is manually moved to another stage by you).

Pipeline stages

A stage in the pipeline is a stop point for your clients and prospects. They will not be moved along to the next stage unless a condition that you defined in the pipeline is met or unless you manually move them to another stage.

You can create, update and remove stages from your client and/or prospect pipelines. To create a new stage, click the “+” button on the top right corner of the pipeline settings section. 

To update or remove a pipeline stage, click the “pencil” button located on the right side of the row for each pipeline stage.

Pipeline automated flows

An automated flow is a rule in a pipeline stage that will perform an action whenever a specific situation occurs on a client/prospect account. To add a new automated flow to a stage, click the “add flow” button at the right of the pipeline stage.

You will be prompted to select the trigger, condition and the action required for the flow. 

To update a flow, click the pencil on the right side of the flow, and to remove a flow, click the trash can button at the right of each flow.

Account Pipeline Stage

Each account is automatically added to a stage of the client or prospect Pipeline.

Pipeline stages allow you to segment your accounts based on your workflow.

PreciseFP will automatically move accounts through the Pipeline based on specific actions. Place your mouse over the current Pipeline stage in the account details panel to see a description of what actions will trigger a Pipeline stage update.

To move an account manually, click the “modify” button at the right of the current Pipeline stage.

Bulk move client/prospect accounts to a different stage

Go to clients or prospects under Accounts. Check the box to the left of the clients or prospects that you wish to bulk move to a different stage.

**Note that the "stage" button will not show when listing all accounts, favorite accounts and archived accounts.**

Select your pipeline stage that you want to move the selected accounts to from the drop down menu then click on the Move to stage button.

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