When viewing an integration Mapping Table, the integration's fields will be listed in the left-most column. PreciseFP's fields are directly to the right of these.
Required fields are needed in order for a group of mappings to integrate. If one of these is missing, that group of mappings will be skipped.
Note the 'Comments' column will provide helpful information on how groups of mappings communicate. If a Comment begins with 'Integrates', this group of mappings can be imported/exported. If it begins with 'Exports', this means PreciseFP can export the data to the integration partner only. Similarly, some items may only Import.
Please note: PreciseFP's employment information field allows for multiple instances of the information by default, whereas Wealthbox's field allows for one entry per contact. An export of multiple pieces of employment information will only see the most recent information exported to Wealthbox.