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Integration FAQ
Updated over 11 months ago

Q: Why are the integrations not automatic?

A: There are a multitude of reasons of why we opted to not have the data import/export automatically. One being that we wanted you as the user to be in control of the data that you wanted in your other integration as well as within PreciseFP. For example, you may capture leads in PreciseFP that you do not necessarily want in your CRM and you may also have some clients that you no longer work with in your CRM that you do not want to have in PreciseFP. The importing/exporting being done one at a time allows you to have total control of what you want in all systems.

Q: What exactly integrates with PreciseFP either by Import or Export.

A: Each integration has a mapping table in the help center that shows you exactly what data fields import and export and also where they land in PreciseFP as well as in the other integration. It's important to note that data moving out of PreciseFP is only the profile data. We do not export any other information like engagements, timeline, activities, etc.

Q: Why are some of the integrations one way only?

A: When we develop the integrations we look at their API to see what we can access. This includes being able to both send as well as receive the data from the integration. If the integration is only one way this would indicate that the API for this partner only allows for it.

Q: Why isn't there more data available to integrate with within the integration I'm using?

A: Each integration that we have developed or worked with has their own API. We do our very best to match up and connect with as much as possible based on their API that is available. There are some instances where the API only has certain information such as basic contact information and other instances where the API is more robust. Unfortunately, what is available through a partners API is out of our hands.

Q: Do you integrate with (insert name here)?

A: The best way to see who our integrations and partnerships are with are within our partners page.

Q: What is the extent of the Calendar partnerships?

A: We do partner with several Calendar applications. While these are not actual integrations so we are not pushing data to the Calendar app nor are we receiving data from the Calendar app, but rather you're able to place your calendar by way of a PreciseFP element onto your form template so that the client is able to see your calendar and can schedule with you right from within their form engagement. You can read more about each of our Calendar partnerships from our partners page and then click on the calendar service you use.

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