To turn on this integration (only needs to be done once in PreciseFP, you do not need to set up the integration in RightCapital) click on your profile picture in the lower left hand corner, then select Integrations and click on the RightCapital integration box.
After logging into RightCapital, you must authorize PreciseFP to read and update clients. Once this process is completed, you will be redirected back to PreciseFP and the integration will be enabled.
To export to RightCapital
Click on a client/prospect name to open their account details. Click on the Export button.
Choose RightCapital
If the client is not already in RightCapital you can create a new record on export or if they do exist and are already connected to an existing account it will push updates to the already existing record for the client vs. duplicating it.
Once you've made your selection click on export.
To import data from RightCapital into PreciseFP
Click on Accounts from the left hand side and then select All Accounts. Then click on the + icon in the upper right hand corner.
Click on the Import tab, choose Prospect or Client and choose RightCapital.
Enter in the clients last name in the search box, select the desired record from the results and click import.
Note: the client must have an email address entered in the Personal Info tab of RightCapital in order to import. Clients without email addresses will not show up in the search results.
Keywords: RightCapital