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PreciseFP Bulk Importer

Create Client/Prospect accounts via CSV/XLS file.

Updated over a week ago

PreciseFP allows you to bulk import up to 100 client/prospect accounts from a CSV/XLS file.

To use the bulk import feature, click on the "+" button located on the top right corner of your account list.

Click on the "Bulk Import" Tab.

Upload a CSV/XLS file formatted accordingly to our sample document.

Once a valid document is uploaded, you will need to map the "columns" of your document to the allowed fields. The bulk importer allows you to map the first name, last name, email, an optional mobile phone number, the contact type, and account identifier. A sample of the contacts found in your document will be shown below the field map.

For detailed instructions on these fields, please download our sample XLS template below.

Note: Remember that the bulk importer will only create new contacts. Any contact that already exists in your account will be skipped.

Click on Import when you are ready.

The results screen will let you know how many contacts were imported and how many, if any, were skipped.

Keywords: Bulk Import, Mass Import, Mass Create, Create in bulk, XLS Import, CSV Import, Create from CSV, Create from XLS.

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