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Your dataset is every element, group, and page that makes up your PreciseFP Account Profiles

Updated over 7 months ago


  • Your PreciseFP subscription includes a Dataset that is optimized for you.

  • The account Administrator only has access to this by default.

  • The Dataset is every element, group, and page that makes up your PreciseFP Account Profiles.

  • If you want to gather data that is not included in the default Dataset and would like it stored in the PreciseFP profile, you must create it in the Dataset first.

  • Default Dataset elements cannot be deleted, but can be hidden.

  • Deleting anything in the Dataset is permanent and cannot be undone.

  • Anything (Fields/Groups/Pages) that exists in the dataset can be imported into your template when editing and will bring across all connections, as well

Best practice is to import from the dataset!

If you would like to start with a Form Template that requests the majority of default dataset fields, look for the Financial Fact Finder with no integration logos on it in the Form Library.

Customization of the dataset is very similar to editing a Form Template. It is divided into pages, groups, and elements and each of them can be configured with low or high level security. The dataset editor is split into 3 main areas: 

  1. Header - Page title and page editor menu are located here.

  2. Page sidebar - On the right of the screen, the page sidebar lets you create new pages, drag and drop them to reorder, or rename them.

  3. Main content - Here you can see the groups and elements on the page, which you can also edit.

Dataset pages

Your dataset is divided into pages, with each page capable of housing several groups within it that each include individual elements (Fields).

Pages in the dataset can be Individual or Household, depending on whether you would like to request the client and co-client's data separately but on the same page, or collect it all together on the same page.

A page can have high or low security level. If it is high security, you will not be able to gather this data on a low security template. If it is low security, it can be used on either a low or high security engagement.

To add a new page, click the “new page” button located at the bottom of the page sidebar:

To update a page, click the “edit” pencil icon on the top right corner of the header:

To remove a page, click the “remove” button located on the top right corner of the header. Note you must enter your PreciseFP password to confirm, as this action cannot be undone.

Option to hide default Dataset fields that cannot be deleted:

To duplicate a page, click the “duplicate” button located on the top right corner of the header:

Dataset groups

Each page can contain several groups. Your groups house individual fields that cover a similar topic.

For example, Driver's License picture upload, Driver's License Number, and Expiration Date might all be fields in the same group.

To add a new group, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “new group” button:

To edit a group, hover your mouse over it and click the “edit” button that appears on the right of the group.  To duplicate a group, place the mouse over it and click the “duplicate” button located on the right of the group:

To remove a group, place the mouse over it and click the “remove” button located on the right of the group. Note you must enter your PreciseFP password to confirm, as this action cannot be undone.

Default dataset groups can’t be removed. Instead, you can hide them by updating the visibility:

'Add More' button

Enabling the 'Add More' button allows multiple entries of the same group. Consider a group where you are able to click 'Add More' when you are done entering information about one of your children and would like to add information about the other.

Dataset Best Practices Video

Note: Editing the dataset is an intermediate feature of PreciseFP and may take some testing/learning before you are comfortable with it. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions, as we are happy to assist in chat! We can also link you to additional help articles and webinars that may prove useful.

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