As the Company Administrator you can upload the logo for your team by going to Settings --> Teams --> Click on the name of the Team to open the team details. Here you will be able to upload the logo for your company/team.
Note: We suggest an aspect ration of 1:1 for the profile photo and the company logo. In terms of dimensions, we suggest around 400x400 pixel.
The logo is used in small sections across the template (authentication form, navigation menu, etc) and always in small size. If you do want a larger version of the logo in the welcome page, the best way is to use an image upload.
Some of our premade templates make use of the logo element within the form template. This means that once a logo is added here in the settings and you install/use a premade form template that has the logo element on it, your logo will automatically appear on the form template.
If you wish to add in a new logo element after you've uploaded the logo you'll want to open your form template in the editor and add a new cell to have a logo element placed into it.
Click the empty cell then click on the +
Click on the logo/photo element under Graphical Elements.
Choose company logo then click on Create.
Your logo will now be placed on the page.
You can add in your logo as many times as you want/need.
Keyword: Branding, white label