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Using Macros in your Templates and Template Notifications

Updated over 9 months ago

Macros can be used to pull information from different areas of your account into your Templates and Template notifications.

See below a table that lists the available macros, their copy/paste, and notes on their functionality. See further below the ability to create a nickname macro in your dataset.

Template Title


Title of the Template being sent

Engagement Creation Date


Date the engagement was created

Client Name

[] / []

First and Last Name of the Client or CoClient (Does not work on co-client enabled page)

Client First Name

[] / []

First Name of the Client or CoClient (Does not work on co-client enabled page)

Client Email Address


Client's email from their PreciseFP profile

Household Name (i.e. John Smith and Jane Smith)


Will update appropriately if no co-client on file

Household First Name(s) (i.e. John and Jane)


Will update appropriately if no co-client on file

Company Name


Team Name from Settings > Team

Company Email Address


Team Email from Settings > Teams

Company Phone Number


Team Phone Number from Settings > Teams

Advisor Name


Full name of the user creating the engagement

Advisor First Name


First name of the user creating the engagement

Advisor Email Address


Email address of the user creating the engagement

Advisor Mobile Phone


Phone number of the user creating the engagement

Today's Date


Today's Date

Macros are typically found on the Welcome or Thank You pages of form templates as well as your template notifications.

For the 'Company' and 'Advisor' macros, it is important to note that the Company macros pull from the Teams section of your settings and the Advisor macros pull from the user profile.

Macros can also be used to populate basic info in your PDF Templates.

How to create a nickname macro

You'll need to first create a new text element in the dataset under the Client Personal Details. Make sure you classify it as Nickname.

When this field exists, a macro called client.nickname will now be available to be used in form templates and emails. If there is a nickname in the Profile, the macro will address them as such. If there is not, it will pull in their first name instead.

You can also create a field under a household page inside a single row ('Add More' disabled) group and classify it as nickname. This will enable a macro called household.nickname.

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